Welcome to PDQ and a new way to manage your medical record

PDQ (Patient Data Quick) is a program of the CriticalConnection Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation and enables any patient to have complete control over their medical record…what goes in it and who has access to it. 

Creating your unique PDQ medical Record

The cost is very low, just a $10 per month fee charged to a credit or debit card of your choice.  

To begin the process, PDQ must know who you are at all times. That requires you to create a unique user ID and password and agree to pay the low $10 per month fee.

PDQ will then ask about the patient, which may or may not be the person creating the account.  It will require you to sign a form that will be used to acquire the patient’s medical records.  You must be the patient, parent of a minor who is the patient, or have medical power of attorney of the patient in order to request patient records through PDQ.

PDQ will finally ask for the providers that the patient has seen.  Minimal information is the name of the provider, the city, and state where the provider is located.  If more information is available, it would be beneficial in retrieving records more quickly.

Please complete the following form that will allow us to do this.  

Gathering data and creating your record

Complete these two one-page forms to enable the Foundation to gather, create, and hold your medical record in a secure (encrypted) database for only you to use.

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